Wednesday, August 18, 2004

Surveys......what an annoyance!

Any hope of a nice rest for me last nite was dashed when the house phone rings..... it was a call from one of these mushrooming survey companies..... this time about fast-food consumption habit. I thought that this time it would be short, just like one of those surveys done by Maxis...... but horror upon horrors, she must have asked a hundred questions to me yesterday! Hmm, I wonder how much are they getting paid to harass folks like this (and probably getting some rude replies as well)? Not to mention running out of breath while asking these long-winded questions.......

But the survey topic was quite interesting.......a side-effect of taking this survey is, I realised that I have been frequenting too many fast-food joints lately......hmmm.... time to change my eating habits :)


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