Sunday, October 17, 2004

Outstation again......

I'm going for another outstation trip again starting today..... (actually I'm at KLIA already, wireless blogging here..... :) ). This time it's Kerteh again, although for this trip, I'll be there for about a week..... sigh....... fasting at an outstation location again...... every year for the past four years I've been fasting away from home..... that's work for you.....

And they did it again this year..... Malaysians started fasting on Friday, 15th October while Bruneians started on Saturday, 16th October.... how I wish they could regionally synchronise the whole thing....

Anyway, just want to wish everyone "Selamat Berpuasa & Bertarawikh".........

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

News from the States

I'm back safely in town once again after one week in USA.... wow! What an experience! Okay, so it is my first time in the States, and also my first time driving a left-hand car (two cars actually, a Buick Park Avenue and an Oldsmobile Alero), but talk about having a new perspective on things!

Well, I landed in the US at Los Angeles airport, then continued on to Houston, Texas. (And no, I did not buy a 12-gallon Stetson cowboy hat over there). Went around a bit, up to Galverston Island in fact, driving in the huge Buick. Trust me, the car is humongous....... even bigger that the Merc S600!

Next stop is Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Got the Alero this time. Went sightseeing a bit (after all, Philly is the home of the cracked Liberty Bell). And the food God! Is there anything remotely small at all in this country? And they washed it down with Diet Coke...... which is really weird...... must be a culture thang, then.

One good thing is that OshKosh stuff is really cheap..... bought trunkloads for my son.... so that's his Raya clothes all sorted out then...... now I need to overcome this bloody jetlag in the shortest possible time, before my next flight to the East Coast this Sunday....... help!!!