Friday, October 21, 2005

News from Helsinki (Part I)

Hello from Helsinki!

Arrived safely at my apartment in Finland. Here are some pictures of the apartment :

The living room

The kitchenette and dining area

Will post more pictures of Helsinki once I'll go sightseeing this weekend. Till then, toodles!

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Onwards to Nokialand!

By the time you're reading this entry, I'll be on a flight again to Finland, home to Nokia and two famous F1 drivers, Mika Hakkinen and Kimi Raikonnen. Don't ask me why, it's my work....

It's gonna be interesting, as it's my first time there. And in the midst of Ramadhan as well. And apparently it's cold now. Oh how I wish I'm somewhere else....

Hopefully I'll be able to blog from Helsinki in the next entry... and maybe some pictures too.

Saturday, October 08, 2005

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak

To everyone : Happy Fasting! May we all gain benefit in this holy month of Ramadhan, to reflect on our own life and strive to achieve His blessings.

Things really change in KL when Ramadhan arrives. People started to go home earlier than usual, with the devastating effect of causing monstrous traffic jams all over the place after 5pm. Now 10 minutes earlier (or later) can mean a difference. For example, I was trapped for one-and-a-half hours last Wednesday just because I was 10 minutes late going out of my office. The next day, I went out at 5pm sharp, and lo-and behold, no traffic jams!!!

Lest you all think that I always go home from office at 5pm, let me clarify - this only happens during Ramadhan, as I need to go home earlier to prepare for Tarawikh prayers every night during this month. On non-fasting days, normally I went home close to Maghrib.....