Sunday, August 28, 2005

Flights and hotel rooms abound...

Here we go again...... time to fly everywhere, and start the mad annual hotel-hopping extravaganza, featuring some nice five-star beach resorts, good food and fabulous views...... nice?

Only if you have time to take it all in and enjoy it.....

Unfortunately, I'm on business, so there's not enough time to enjoy all these....

Furthermore, no sight of the bonus yet this year....... :(

Let's's the flight chain again : KUL - KUA - KUL - BWN - KUL - MYY - KUL - KUA - KUL

All in three weeks.....

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Murphy's Law

Why is it that when you think everything will turn out as planned, it never did?

Murphy's Law : "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong"

And the bloody guy was an engineer as well........

I have a flight to catch tomorrow. It's going to be on a Sunday morning. And I have to start my journey from home to KLIA at 6.30am......on a Sunday...... how fun...... not!!!

Wanted to wake up early today and have a head start on my plans...... turned on the electric shower, but nothing came out from the shower head. Guess what? No water.... Good job PUAS / JBA / whatever you called the water supply department nowadays!!! &%#$^@&.........

Had to take an old fashioned "gayong-style" bath this morning, with cold water at friggin' 6am....

Hmm.... how to do the laundry without water supply? ...... aha..... take a bucket, fill it up with water from the standby tank upstairs and ferry it downstairs to the washing machine..... 6 buckets per load, 4 loads in all = 24 times. Damn good exercise though..... :)

At least the weather's holding...... Thank God!

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Nokia N90 (part deux)

Just went to a mall near my dig..... the Nokia N90, which yours truly is lusting over, is finally out.... but the price kinda turned me off.... RM 3299??? Good Lord, that's almost my monthly salary!! (well, slightly more than half-month, but exaggeration sounds good... hehehe)

To buy or not to buy.... that is the burning question, my dear.......

But then again, don't I deserve it?

Oh woe is me.....

Saturday, August 06, 2005

3G - the hype is on...

Bought a 3G-enabled phone a couple of days ago..... it's the Motorola V975, a lovely and chic phone for a very special lady of mine...... :-)

We're thinking of communicating via mobile video on the 3G platform, which means I would have to buy one for myself too. I'm thinking of buying the Nokia N90.

Oh well, guess I'll have to wait for my yearly bonus then...... besides, the N90 is not officially out yet here in Malaysia.