Saturday, August 20, 2005

Murphy's Law

Why is it that when you think everything will turn out as planned, it never did?

Murphy's Law : "Anything that can go wrong will go wrong"

And the bloody guy was an engineer as well........

I have a flight to catch tomorrow. It's going to be on a Sunday morning. And I have to start my journey from home to KLIA at 6.30am......on a Sunday...... how fun...... not!!!

Wanted to wake up early today and have a head start on my plans...... turned on the electric shower, but nothing came out from the shower head. Guess what? No water.... Good job PUAS / JBA / whatever you called the water supply department nowadays!!! &%#$^@&.........

Had to take an old fashioned "gayong-style" bath this morning, with cold water at friggin' 6am....

Hmm.... how to do the laundry without water supply? ...... aha..... take a bucket, fill it up with water from the standby tank upstairs and ferry it downstairs to the washing machine..... 6 buckets per load, 4 loads in all = 24 times. Damn good exercise though..... :)

At least the weather's holding...... Thank God!


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