Sunday, December 11, 2005

A year older indeed, but a year wiser?

It's been almost a month since my last entry here. Nothing's new, apart from the fact that I'm more swamped with work then before. Life's began to feel like a neverending cycle of sleep, work, eat and repeat. So much so that this year, I will be a year older in a place away from my home and family due to work commitments. Oh well, let's make the best out of it and see what kind of reception I would get on that day.....

December is actually an eventful month for me. I was born, met my wife at UK during UKAS interview, went for our first date, got married, all in this month. Plus the fact that my father-in-law's birthday is also in this month (hmm, what should i get for him this year?).

A year older, yes. A year wiser? Probably, although I would attribute most of it to circumstances, instead of my own doing. Events relating to work, family, friends, strangers all contributed to one's wisdom. The trick is, IMHO, to take matters into perspective and take charge whenever possible and/or necessary. Otherwise, just ride on with the flow, but be aware of developments along the way and get ready to slip into action and/or bail to another alternative route. (my, my, getting rather philosophical aren't we?)

Speaking of bailing, time to go and gear up for another trip.....


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