Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Finally, a semi-long break... :)

At long last, my semi-long holiday starts today......phewww...... finally I can rest...... it has been a long, long month for me...... jetsetting between KL, Kuantan, Miri, Brunei....... I even can't spend the whole weekend with my father-in-law when he was here last week - actually, I feel reaaallyy bad about that.... sorry dad, that's how I work..... always on the move :(

My wife came down to Miri by car with her friend when I was there last Friday. It was a nice surprise, especially when I haven't seen her for about a month now. The funny bit is, when I left Miri to fly back to KL, she's still shopping in Miri with her friend! Women and shopping.......

Anyway, a few more flights to come.... this afternoon I will be flying back to Brunei for Christmas and my father-in-law's birthday, which conveniently falls on the same day....aaaahhhh, I'm relaxing already...... :)

Thursday, December 16, 2004

What a hectic month!

Yes, yes...... I know..... I haven't been blogging for almost a month..... but you have to understand, I've been a very busy beaver fow the past few weeks, shuttling back and forth to Kerteh almost every Sunday now....... and again, I'm now at KLIA, this time to catch a flight to Miri for a meeting tomorrow..... sigh, this is the life of a project engineer..... :(

On a sad note, my family is in mourning for the passing away of YAM Pg Maharaja Lela Sahibul Kahar Pg Anak Hj Mohd Yusof, the brother of KDYMM Raja Isteri of Brunei, 2 days ago. May his soul rest in peace. Al-fatihah.

I can't wait for next week, that is for my 5-day weekend. Finally, the chance to rest and relax with my wife and son! I haven't seen them for nearly a month now....... and that's too long! :(