Saturday, July 30, 2005

ICafe@27 is finally up!!!

Finally....after a long wait.....ADSL is now available at the area where I'm staying now!! So last Monday, I went to Cyberjaya in the hope that I can pick up one of those cool self-install packages called hotspot@home (and also to register for a new ADSL account). It was going for RM299 only, and you get loads of goodies like ADSL modem + wireless 802.11g router, a PCMCIA wireless 802.11g card + others.....

Went there.... and the lady said "Maaf encik, kami kehabisan stok".....("sorry sir, we ran out of stock")..... I was like, aaarrggghhhh!!!! "Er, ini bukan headquarters ke, takkan boleh habis stok?"..... ("isn't this your headquarters, how can you ran out of stock?")....... "Bukan encik, headquarters kami dekat Kelana Jaya"...... ("no sir, our headquarters is at Kelana Jaya").....

What??? Sorry for assuming, but since Cyberjaya is supposedly the Multimedia Super Corridor city, shouldn't the headquarters be there? Weird to the max.....

Oh well, went over their website again and called several dealers.......found one in Sri Petaling, called them up and they said they have it. So I told them please hold one for me, I'll be there in an hour.

Went there..... and the guy said "Sorry sir, we don't have it here".....hang on a minute, I saw three boxes of the package behind him....... "Oh that one all booked already" ..... up yours man!!! I stormed out of the place in utter disgust..... what kind of crap customer service is this? (And this company is one of the GLCs in Malaysia - totally worst customer service ever encountered by me!! sheesh!!!)

At the end, found one in Cheras..... yeay!!!! And finally.... ICafe@27 is up and running.........and this blog is written wirelessly while I'm downstairs at home, and the modem is in my room upstairs.....


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