Sunday, July 16, 2006

A Month of Enforced Silence

My sincerest apologies for not adding any entries to this blog for the past month; it has been a roller-coaster kind of month for me.

For starters, ever since I was moved to my new workplace, my workload increased by threefold almost overnight! On top of that, suddenly I was notified to prepare and undergo my professional assessment in less than a months' time. AARRGHHH!!!! (the age-old adage of "when it rains, it really, really pours" came to mind)

So there I was, shuttling between KL, Kuantan, Kerteh, Miri and Brunei non-stop, juggling between work and study (for my assessment) day and night, squeezing some quality time with the family in between. It was so hectic, up to the point where I had to borrow my wife's PDA and download some study materials into it, for me to revise during the Sultan's 60th birthday do at Istana Nurul Iman on the 15th of July. (BTW, Dirgahayu Kebawah Duli Tuan Patek, Semoga Allah Lanjutkan Usia Duli Tuanku, Kekal Qarar Memerintah Negara!)

Alhamdulillah, I managed to go through my assessment fairly well (from my standpoint & based on the unofficial result). It was scheduled for 3 hours; but on the day itself, it went on for 4 straight hours. IMHO, it was the most gruelling interview session that I've ever had in my whole life! Finger-crossed, let's hope that the official result will come through in my favour. Manalah tahu, kalau ada rezeki, kan Ayrah? Tuah anak siapa tahu.....

Ayrah @ 5 months


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