Thursday, September 16, 2004

What a day :(

Yesterday was a very unusual day. It seems like Murphy (as in Murphy's Law) was shadowing every single thing that I do.....

It started when I reached the office early in the morning, when I suddenly realised that I left my e-pass at home (believe it or not, for the first time ever!). So I had to ask for a daily pass. Then after an hour, I drove down to Malacca for a site visit with a colleague of mine. While driving, I got a call saying that I'm needed back in the office to prepare a montage for the big boss. What the bloody bugger didn't realise is that :

1. I'm driving to Malacca for a site visit so it's impossible to turn back;
2. It's damn near impossible to do a montage of 5 min within 3 hours!

More problems await when we reached Malacca. As I left my e-pass, more forms needed to be filled in. Then horror upon horrors, my colleague left the project files at the office! Aaaarrggghhhh! Luckily, I had a copy on my online directory, however it takes a while to download......

Went back to KL and then home. Was preparing dinner using the new microwave oven, then suddenly a plate filled with not-yet-warmed fish slipped off my hands and came crashing on the kitchen floor! There goes my dinner, and my appetite :(

Called my wife, and I found out that one of the maids took our son out for a haircut without our permission! And our baby don't need no haircut; his hair was short! And the new haircut was ugly! So we had to shave his head......poor baby was crying when we shaved his head bald..... that really wraps up the bloody day..... sigh......


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